Saturday, 19 March 2011


Waktu gue kecil, ada yang pernah ngasih tau gue soal alasan mahalnya harga emas. Katanya, emas itu logam mulia, logam yang sulit dicari, langka, jadinya mahal. Akhirnya, gue sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa apapun itu--asal langka--maka ia akan segitunya berharga.

Ada satu hal yang akhir-akhir ini sangat berharga buat gue: konsentrasi. Gue sulit banget bisa duduk diam, baca buku, ngerjain tugas, dan nyelesein tugas. Gue bener-bener butuh kemampuan untuk jadi tekun dan berkonsentrasi penuh.

Sampai saat ini pun gue masih nggak ngerti kenapa. Rasanya, gue nggak bisa hanya ngerjain satu subjek dalam satu kesempatan: terlalu membosankan! Help!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Things I want, things I will never have... be a part of you. You as in plural understanding. You as in a group of people with the same interrest. You means not you as in person. You. But thankfully someone ripped of my only chance and force me to step million steps away and never be found from the you I've been praising for.

Well, this morning-digitally, at least-I saw you and how I feel longing to be a part of you. And of course, once again, a mauvaise foi, someone ripped off that dream for me; an egosentric narcistic man, kept me from being a part of you.

Things I want, things I will never have. I guess I had to keep my baby big eye to its case for a while until I found another you.