Sunday, 16 September 2012

Waving Hello

Well, hello again. After months of months planning to make a few changes to this blog, I finally made it. It just a simple new header, few icons, and a quote. I'm still maintaining the simple, clean-cut, ease, and free theme for this blog. It's a light read, afterall. You wouldn't expect me to use a perch, candles, and diamonds, right?

So, what's up? Do I still have some frequent readers? Or is there anyone who actually reads my blog? I'm not planning to figure it out, though. It's a good thing if you read my blog. I appreciate it.

Things are changing. I'm now take part at a photography club that I was desperately wanted to join to. I'm no longer a student. I just graduated from the university, got a job in a national news agency, and, although I'm not really sure I'm standing on a solid soil, I hope I'm doing good in my job.

I guess, that's it for today. See you again real soon.

Thursday, 26 April 2012


Kala itu, malam itu, senyum itu, sendiri itu
Kita menjadi diri kita sendiri
Tanpa rasa, tanpa kata

Hanya senyum menemani hening
Bersama luka itu, sendu itu, sendiri itu
Tapi ada kita kala itu

Inginku kembali dalam chora
Bersama mimpi itu, rencana itu
Kita bersama, tapi tidak bersatu

Jakarta, 26 April 2012
Kepada sahabat yang kini bermil-mil lebih dekat
tapi kini kita saling diam

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Sepatu Putih dan Baju Merah

Hari Sabtu kemarin (21/4/2012), Jakarta dirundung mendung. Setelah pulang dari kelas perdana GFJA XVIII, dalam keadaan setengah mengantuk, gue menumpang Commuter Line dan berangkat ke kampus.  Agak sulit memang, mengumpulkan niat yang sudah sembunyi di sela-sela tiang Stasiun Juanda. Tapi, toh akhirnya gue berangkat juga.

Niat itu gue kumpulkan karena gue sudah kadung janji dengan beberapa kawan di kampus. Teman-teman gue dari Sastra Cina FIB UI lagi ngadain Sinofest kesebelas. Kebetulan, tahun ini bukan satu, bukan dua, tapi buanyak teman gue yang ikut terlibat dalam Sinofest. Sinofest adalah acara tahunannya Sastra Cina. Nama Sinofest sebelumnya tenggelam dari antara nama-nama acara FIB lain seperti, Gelar Jepang,  Petang Kreatif, atau bahkan La Semaine de la Francophonie

Namun, gue rasa tahun ini mereka berhasil membuat nama Sinofest jadi bergaung kencang macam petasan Betawi. Acara andalan mereka kali ini berpusat pada kuliner Tionghoa Nusantara. Kebayang dong bebek-bebek Peking yang digantung, babi panggang, nasi hainam, dan bacang yang bikin ngiler itu?


Selain banyak Chinese food, Sinofest XI kemarin juga menawarkan pagelaran musik yang menurut gue menarik. Ada band-band hasil audisi mereka, lalu ada Karolina, Hamba Allah, dan The Bobrocks. Gongnya, White Shoes and The Couples Company hadir menutup acara. WSATCC malam itu tampil manis. Entah karena Nona Sarinya memang manis, baju merah lucu yang ia kenakan, atau memang lagu-lagu mereka yang terdengar manis, entahlah...

WSATCC malam itu nggak sekedar bernyanyi. Di akhir penampilan mereka, kembang api bersahut-sahutan menyambut hantaman drum John dan suara Nona Sari.

Setelah White Shoes & The Couples Company benar-benar pamit, ternyata kembang api terus menyala di angkasa. Saat itu, puluhan anak-anak Sastra Cina mulai berteriak dalam Bahasa Mandarin. Walaupun gue nggak ngerti, gue yakin mereka lagi merayakan kesuksesan acara Sinofest XI.

p.s. doa gue buat Mas Dekun yang mengalami kecelakaan saat memasang lampion. Lekas sembuh, lekas kembali beraktivitas ya, Mas! :)

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Just Don't Stop

I remember, the first time I start blogging on Tumblr. I saw a pre-made post that says: "Doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you keep on going." That was simple. I never knew it will be THAT hard. There will be so many things involve. There will be heart brokens, tears falling, plans ruined, changing directions... The bottom line is nobody ever told me that the future will be filled with rocky roads.

I was optimistic back then. Now, I'm afraid. I have plans, I have dreams, that I'm not sure how to reach them. But I have opportunities. Not much, but enough.

Maybe, this is the right time to tell to myself that I must not stop. I have to keep on going because there is still hope. I can't rely on myself only; but I can't hang on to other people that would not be around forever either.

Hey future me, this is you in the past. This is you feel troubled, afraid, and having doubts. You or me, is now have to face a new cirlce, a new challenge, and new opportunities. You owe us stories in the future, ok? I look forward for it.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Living at Its Best

I know this is way to late to tell-even to myself-that my passion in life is to capture-or even design and make-some unique houses, buildings, and then make my own. I don't know how but I believe that one day, I can make this a living: capturing beautiful houses and building.

For now, I'm still trying to get there; living at its best.