Kesenggol misil
Kekunci di kamar gas
Terjebak di wilayah tes nuklir
Disiksa sampe ngaku
Sama aja kayak...
Badan sakit semua gara2 ngelamun sampe kaku
Gak bisa napas pas mikir apa yang sedang terjadi
Lagi bengong tiba2 Jestar tereak, Aje ketawa, Via heboh
Pada curcol, tergoda untuk ikutan tapi gabisa
Ya, kan?
Friday, 29 May 2009
Lagi-lagi potongan lagu membagi-bagi hatiku
Di sela-sela pekerjaanku membuat makalah pagi-pagi
Lagi-lagi mereka membuka celah-celah hatiku
Kamu-kamu melagu sedikit belagu diam-diam senyum padaku
Ragu-ragu aku ragu hatiku sudah milik si gagu
There's one thing I can never give you
My heart could never be a home,
So, what's the matter with you?
(Oasis, Stand by Me)
Entah apa nggak tau bagaimana...
Ada yang salah tentang mata kau
Jangan lihat aku dalam-dalam
Lagi-lagi kubilang aku menunggu si gagu dari Timbuktu
...Aku ini binatang jalang
Dari kumpulannya terbuang
Biar peluru menembus kulitku
Aku tetap meradang menerjang
Luka dan bisa kubawa berlari...
(Chairil Anwar, Aku Si Binatang Jalang)
*btw, denger puisi ini kok gue inget Angelina Jolie di film Mr. and Mrs. Smith ya? haha...*
A Cold and frosty morning there's not a lot to say
About the things caught in my mind
As the day was dawning my plane flew away
With all the things caught in my mind
And I wanna be there when you're...
Coming down
And I wanna be there when you hit the ground
So don't go away say what you say
But say that you'll stay
Forever and a the time of my life
Cos I need more time yes I need more time
Just to make things right
Damn my situation and the games I have to play
With all the things caught in my mind
Damn my education I can't find the words to say
About all the things caught in my mind
Me and you what's going on?
All we seem to know is how to show
The feelings that are wrong
(Oasis, Don't Go Away)
Beriring-iringan dengan desah dan rasa salah
Hari-hari terus menjadi ketika kita tertawa-tawa
Dalam sedih yang mengiris-iris hati yang sudah berdarah-darah
Jangan lagi-lagi pergi lagi
Diam-diam dalam kelamnya kata-kata
Jangan berubah-ubah jadilah kita
Dalam dunia yang sudah gila
Tapi buat kalian, jangan salah lagi memandang dalam-dalam mataku
Buta nanti kalian melihatku
Aku bukan seperti yang ada di otakmu
Di sela-sela pekerjaanku membuat makalah pagi-pagi
Lagi-lagi mereka membuka celah-celah hatiku
Kamu-kamu melagu sedikit belagu diam-diam senyum padaku
Ragu-ragu aku ragu hatiku sudah milik si gagu
There's one thing I can never give you
My heart could never be a home,
So, what's the matter with you?
(Oasis, Stand by Me)
Entah apa nggak tau bagaimana...
Ada yang salah tentang mata kau
Jangan lihat aku dalam-dalam
Lagi-lagi kubilang aku menunggu si gagu dari Timbuktu
...Aku ini binatang jalang
Dari kumpulannya terbuang
Biar peluru menembus kulitku
Aku tetap meradang menerjang
Luka dan bisa kubawa berlari...
(Chairil Anwar, Aku Si Binatang Jalang)
*btw, denger puisi ini kok gue inget Angelina Jolie di film Mr. and Mrs. Smith ya? haha...*
A Cold and frosty morning there's not a lot to say
About the things caught in my mind
As the day was dawning my plane flew away
With all the things caught in my mind
And I wanna be there when you're...
Coming down
And I wanna be there when you hit the ground
So don't go away say what you say
But say that you'll stay
Forever and a the time of my life
Cos I need more time yes I need more time
Just to make things right
Damn my situation and the games I have to play
With all the things caught in my mind
Damn my education I can't find the words to say
About all the things caught in my mind
Me and you what's going on?
All we seem to know is how to show
The feelings that are wrong
(Oasis, Don't Go Away)
Beriring-iringan dengan desah dan rasa salah
Hari-hari terus menjadi ketika kita tertawa-tawa
Dalam sedih yang mengiris-iris hati yang sudah berdarah-darah
Jangan lagi-lagi pergi lagi
Diam-diam dalam kelamnya kata-kata
Jangan berubah-ubah jadilah kita
Dalam dunia yang sudah gila
Tapi buat kalian, jangan salah lagi memandang dalam-dalam mataku
Buta nanti kalian melihatku
Aku bukan seperti yang ada di otakmu
Monday, 25 May 2009
2+2=5 Bukti Kejeniusan Apa Bukti TK-nya Nyogok?
Gak deng, becanda. Jelas jenius lah *takut digebukin ikki*
gue hanya mau ngomong gak berenti dalam beberapa detik, rasanya pengen aja ngetik gak ada juntrungannya tanpa titik hanya koma tau kalo akhirnya mungkin ada tapi masih jauh di ujung nanti jadi gaperlu pusing mikirin akhirnya nanti juga ada caranya sendiri gimana mengakhiri apapun termasuk gimana mengakhiri postingan nggak penting ini, eh tau gak kadang2 karya sastra besar juga berasal dari kegakpentingan sang sastrawan dan oh iya penemu2 juga mulai dari hal konyol kayak wright bersaudara pengen terbang kadang2 terdengar lebih konyol dari lagu tikus makan sabun kan ya juga si edison bikin lampu ampe 999 kali baru nemu lampu di percobaan ke 1000 yaudalahya kalo gitu kita terus aja sampe capek sendiri dan oh iya sadar kalo besok uas hahaha yaudah kalo gitu mending blajar untuk uas kan ya?
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Ternyata jatuh itu nggak enak ya. Semalem gue jatoh di kamar mandi. Memarlah sudah pinggul gue! :(
Ayo, Tit.. bikin makalah multikultur lagi *otak gue lagi bener*
Aku Rela
"Je ne pourrais jamais vivre sans toi."
Так угодите, я вымолите вам не пойти далеко от меня. Я мог начать полюбить вас, Pi.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
With every smile and every wait why do I keep falling?
Today I found out a nice song by an incredible singer: Zee Avi.
It might means nothing, but mostly means something...
See her video here.
Honey Bee, Zee Avi
I am a honey bee,
Shunned off from the colony
and they won't let me in
So I left the hive,
They took away all my straps
and broke off both my wings
So I'll find another tree
and make the wind my friend
I'll just sing with the birds
They'll tell me secrets of the world
But my other honey bee
Stuck where he doesn't wanna be
But my darling, honey bee
I'll come save you
Even if it means I'd have to face the queen
~ Da param pam param pam
Para ra ra pa pa ra ram ~
So I'll come prepared,
My new friends said they would help me
get my loved one back
They say it isn't right,
To be self control of your mind
but I choose not to believe that
So we'll meet in the darkness of the night,
and I promised I will be there all time
We'll be guided by my new friends, the butterflies,
bring us back to our own little hive
Oh my other honey bee,
No longer stuck where he doesn't want to be
Oh my darling, honey bee,
I have saved you
And now that you're with me,
we can make our own honey
~ Oh param pam param pam
Para ra ra pa pa ra ram ~
It might means nothing, but mostly means something...
See her video here.
Honey Bee, Zee Avi
I am a honey bee,
Shunned off from the colony
and they won't let me in
So I left the hive,
They took away all my straps
and broke off both my wings
So I'll find another tree
and make the wind my friend
I'll just sing with the birds
They'll tell me secrets of the world
But my other honey bee
Stuck where he doesn't wanna be
But my darling, honey bee
I'll come save you
Even if it means I'd have to face the queen
~ Da param pam param pam
Para ra ra pa pa ra ram ~
So I'll come prepared,
My new friends said they would help me
get my loved one back
They say it isn't right,
To be self control of your mind
but I choose not to believe that
So we'll meet in the darkness of the night,
and I promised I will be there all time
We'll be guided by my new friends, the butterflies,
bring us back to our own little hive
Oh my other honey bee,
No longer stuck where he doesn't want to be
Oh my darling, honey bee,
I have saved you
And now that you're with me,
we can make our own honey
~ Oh param pam param pam
Para ra ra pa pa ra ram ~
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Choices and Decision
Hari ini gue belajar banyak tentang dua hal itu. Choices dan decision. Kita semua manusia bebas yang punya pilihan. Pilihan apapun. Dari pilihan itu, kita punya kekuatan untuk memilih. Hari ini gue nggak cuman belajar tentang pilihan dan keputusan gue. Gue juga belajar bahwa ada yang namanya pilihan dan keputusan orang lain.
Ada waktunya kita bisa melontarkan protes dan sanggahan tajam tentang keputusan orang lain. Tapi, ada juga waktunya buat kita untuk diam, menerima dengan lapang dada, dan kembali tersenyum di antara keaseman dunia.
Itu yang gue lakukan hari ini. Entah bagaimana, gue ngerasa seseorang sudah menjatuhkan pilihannya dan pilihannya itu tidak berpihak pada kepentingan gue. Gue nggak tau kebenaran hal ini, secara, gue juga nggak punya hak buat nanya kebenarannya. Tapi, it just feels like that.
Dingin. Itu yang gue rasa.
Gue juga buat banyak keputusan hari ini. Keputusan untuk ikut saran mama, menunggu om gue berangkat kantor dan ketinggalan kereta tadi pagi. Keputusan untuk nggak bolos kuliah. Keputusan gue untuk naro barang-barang yang hajubilah beratnya ke loker di kampus. Keputusan untuk kabur dari kelas Pekasus buat ngambil buku Mengenal Sastra. Keputusan untuk beli pulsa M3 seharga 25 ribu. Keputusan buat ngutang sama Dessy buat beli nasi goreng kambing. Dan keputusan untuk duduk di depan komputer, berhenti menangis, berhenti menunggu handphone gue berdering, nulis status yang bikin Ai likes that, makan malam--padahal biasanya nggak, dan terakhir... gue ngedrop IRS.
Apa yang terjadi sama kehidupan gue?
Gue hanya mau hidup tenang dan tidak menyusahkan orang lain. Itu sebenernya. Itu alasan di balik keputusan-keputusan gue selama ini yang jarang ngomongin orang, males ngerjain orang, males ngatain orang, bahkan ampir gapernah komentar macem-macem tentang kesalahan orang.
Tapi, gue sekarang ada di keadaan di mana gue nggak mengambil keputusan untuk masuk di dalamnya. It's just happened like that. Lucunya, gue sama sekali nggak menyesal. Mungkin, di situ gue ngambil keputusan. Gue ambil keputusan untuk nerima keadaan ini, belajar sesuatu darinya, dan dari jauh menerima dia di bagian kecil di nurani gue.
Dengan pasif. Tanpa menuntut apa-apa.
"Gue udah biasa, kok, disakitin." kata-kata ini, gue inget banget, adalah kata-kata yang selalu gue ucapin pas gue patah hati. Bego sih gue, kenapa gue ngerasa terbiasa disakitin? Kenapa gak dari dulu gue nolak untuk disakitin? Nolak kan nggak berarti kita gabakal disakitin. Setidaknya, walaupun ada yang berusaha nyakitin gue, harusnya gue ngambil keputusan buat nggak mau disakitin.
Gue bukan Superwoman, tapi, kayak drama Pekasus tadi (yang ternyata pernah gue tonton, disutradarai sama Pak Efriadi--aaa.. saya kangen Bapak!) gue bisa ngambil keputusan buat berdiri dan ngambil keputusan.
Monday, 18 May 2009
Gadis dengan Pita Kecil Tergantung di Dadanya
Seorang gadis berjalan di bawah sorot lampu temaran di sebuah jembatan Jakarta malam ini. Matanya kosong menatap jalan yang jauh membentang di depannya. Hingar-bingar mobil yang lalu lalang tampak tidak mengganggunya. Jalannya lurus dengan ritme yang sama. Lambat, berat, dan siap menjerumuskannya dalam maut.
Tapi ia menolak untuk melompat dan mati. Terlalu mudah. Cuman cecurut yang takut. Gadis itu tersenyum lalu mengelap matanya yang basah. Kata-kata seseorang. Seseorang yang satu-satunya ingin ia peluk malam ini. Seseorang yang bukan miliknya.
Aku bukan pengecut. Kata-katanya beku dalam ramainya malam. Malam ini dunia melihat gadis dengan pita kecil tergantung di dadanya. Malam ini dunia melihatnya tapi tidak mengenalnya. Mata-mata memandang ingin tahu dan senyum-senyum menyambut kedatangannya. Belum. Itu karena mereka belum kenal dengan gadis ini.
Merasa jadi sampah dan dibuang ketika yang berhak tengah hadir dan menempati tempatnya. Gadis dengan pita kecil tergantung di dadanya menangis di rangkulan seorang teman pagi ini. Matanya menatap tidak berdaya dan tangannya yang kecil dan lemas mencoba menggenggam sisi buku yang dibawanya.
Kepalanya ingin meledak. Kata-kata makian darinya sendiri menghujaninya dan melukai nalurinya. Ribuan pisau menghujam jantungnya dan merobek matanya ketika ia melihat mereka pagi ini. Berlari menjauh, terkulai lemah di pinggir jalan. Gadis ini benci sinar hangat mentari pagi ini. Pelukan mentari bukan yang ditunggunya seminggu ini. Tapi darinya. Orang yang bukan miliknya.
Perjalanan masih jauh dan rumah... Entah berapa lama lagi baru bisa sampai dan merebahkan badan yang sudah payah ini di sana. Berjalan tegap seperti seorang pemenang. Menantang jalan dan menerobos lalu lintas. Gadis dengan pita kecil tergantung di dadanya mencari celah di antara mobil dan motor yang berlalu pelan.
Air dingin tidak mampu meredam panas kepalanya. Matanya lelah menangis. Itu dia, kini tergeletak setengah mati di tempat tidur. Tangan kecilnya menggenggap dua handphone yang sempat berdering singkat. Pesan yang datar datang dari orang yang ia tunggu seharian ini. Orang yang bukan miliknya.
Aku berniat membunuhnya malam ini. Gadis dengan pita kecil tergantung di dadanya itu mencintai orang yang salah. Ia bisa merusak hidup orang lain. Ia gadis naif yang tidak berguna. Nalarnya tidak berjalan dan emosinya terlalu meluap-luap. Hidupnya tidak jelas dan statusnya diragukan. Tuhannya tidak berbicara malam ini. Gadis ini harus mati. Aku sendiri yang akan merobek hatinya, sebelum terobek sendiri oleh kenyataan.
Saat darah sudah menggenangi seprai kesayangannya, aku baru sadar, aku sangat mengenal gadis dengan pita kecil tergantung di dadanya ini.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
If I am as Great as John Lennon...
...then I would claim these songs for you!
On plane
L'amour léger dans l'âme
On a tellement de chance
On saute du coq à l'âne
La tête dans les étoiles
Une chanson est un jeu alors
Faisons de notre mieux
Faisons-le savoir
L'amour léger dans l'âme
On a tellement de chance
On saute du coq à l'âne
La tête dans les étoiles
Une chanson est un jeu alors
Faisons de notre mieux
Faisons-le savoir
-L'éclipse, Mathieu Chedid and Sean Lennon
Cause if I have to die tonight
I'd rather be with you
Cut the parachute before the dive
Baby don't you cry
You have to bring me down
We had some fun before we hit the ground
I'd rather be with you
Cut the parachute before the dive
Baby don't you cry
You have to bring me down
We had some fun before we hit the ground
-Parachute, Sean Lennon
Waves don't wonder
When you're drowning
Under the sea
So don't look for me
Find her keep her lose her
Deserts you in the end
You were my friend
Like your shadow
No one knows you as well
As I do
When you're drowning
Under the sea
So don't look for me
Find her keep her lose her
Deserts you in the end
You were my friend
Like your shadow
No one knows you as well
As I do
-Friendly Fire, Sean Lennon
I promise to stop loving you tomorrow
Today can be your last day in my arms again
I promise to stop thinking of you constantly
And wishing I could wake up every morning next to you
Darling yes its true
But today can we pretend it’s not too late
I promise to stop dreaming bout you
Promise to stop waiting for your calls
Cause I don’t want to care at all
But maybe just tonight we should forget about what’s right one last time
Because I promise to stop loving you tomorrow
Today will be your last day in my arms again
I promise to stop thinking of you constantly
And wishing I could wake up every morning next to you
Darling yes it’s true
But today can we pretend it’s not too late
Today can we pretend
Today can be your last day in my arms again
I promise to stop thinking of you constantly
And wishing I could wake up every morning next to you
Darling yes its true
But today can we pretend it’s not too late
I promise to stop dreaming bout you
Promise to stop waiting for your calls
Cause I don’t want to care at all
But maybe just tonight we should forget about what’s right one last time
Because I promise to stop loving you tomorrow
Today will be your last day in my arms again
I promise to stop thinking of you constantly
And wishing I could wake up every morning next to you
Darling yes it’s true
But today can we pretend it’s not too late
Today can we pretend
-Tomorrow, Sean Lennon
Akhirnya kau pun pergi
Biarkan ku disini
Ternyata kau juga tak punya hati
Di hati tak terperi
Sedih kutelan sendiri
Mau marah tapinya sama siapa?
Biarkan ku disini
Ternyata kau juga tak punya hati
Di hati tak terperi
Sedih kutelan sendiri
Mau marah tapinya sama siapa?
-Oh Teganya, Tangga
I don't know why nobody told you
how to unfold you love
I don't know how someone controlled you
they bought and sold you
how to unfold you love
I don't know how someone controlled you
they bought and sold you
-When My Guitar Gently Weeps, The Beatles
So I'm waiting for this test to end
So these lighter days can soon begin
I'll be alone but maybe more carefree
Like a kite that floats so effortlessly
I was afraid to be alone
Now I'm scared thats how I'd like to be
All these faces none the same
How can there be so many personalities
So many lifeless empty hands
So many hearts in great demand
So these lighter days can soon begin
I'll be alone but maybe more carefree
Like a kite that floats so effortlessly
I was afraid to be alone
Now I'm scared thats how I'd like to be
All these faces none the same
How can there be so many personalities
So many lifeless empty hands
So many hearts in great demand
-November, Azure Ray
Or play the game
existence to the end
Of the beginning
existence to the end
Of the beginning
-Tomorrow Never Knows, The Beatles
Ten somersets he'll undertake on solid ground
'ving been some days in preparation
A splendid time is guaranteed for all
'ving been some days in preparation
A splendid time is guaranteed for all
-Being for The Benefit of Mr. Kite, The Beatles
We were talking-about the love we all could share-when we find it
To try our best to hold it there-with our love
With our love-we could save the world-if they only knew.
Try to realize it's all within yourself
No-one else can make you change
And to see you're really only very small
To try our best to hold it there-with our love
With our love-we could save the world-if they only knew.
Try to realize it's all within yourself
No-one else can make you change
And to see you're really only very small
-Within You Without You, The Beatles
I read the news today oh, boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well, i just had to laugh
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well, i just had to laugh
-A Day in The Life, The Beatles
Theres something that i cant quite explain
i'm so in love with you
you'll never take that away
and if i said a hundred times before
expect a thousand more
you never take that away
well expect me to be
calling you to see
if you're ok when i'm not around
asking if you love me
i love the way you make it sound
calling you to see
do i try too hard to make you smile
to make a smile
well i will keep calling you to see
if you're sleepin are you dreamin and
if you're dreamin are you dreamin of me
i cant believe
you actually
i thought that the world had lost its sway
(its so hard sometimes)
then i fell in love with you
(then came you)
and you took that away
(its not so difficult, the world is not so difficult)
you take away the old
show me the new
and i feel like i can fly
when i stand next to you
so what if I'm on this phone
a hundred miles from home
i take the words you gave
and send them back to you
i only want to see
if you're ok when i'm not around
asking if you love me
i love the way you make it sound
calling you to see
do i try too hard to make you smile
to make a smile
i'm so in love with you
you'll never take that away
and if i said a hundred times before
expect a thousand more
you never take that away
well expect me to be
calling you to see
if you're ok when i'm not around
asking if you love me
i love the way you make it sound
calling you to see
do i try too hard to make you smile
to make a smile
well i will keep calling you to see
if you're sleepin are you dreamin and
if you're dreamin are you dreamin of me
i cant believe
you actually
i thought that the world had lost its sway
(its so hard sometimes)
then i fell in love with you
(then came you)
and you took that away
(its not so difficult, the world is not so difficult)
you take away the old
show me the new
and i feel like i can fly
when i stand next to you
so what if I'm on this phone
a hundred miles from home
i take the words you gave
and send them back to you
i only want to see
if you're ok when i'm not around
asking if you love me
i love the way you make it sound
calling you to see
do i try too hard to make you smile
to make a smile
-Calling You, Blue October
Sunshine came softly through my a-window today
Could've tripped out easy a-but I've a-changed my ways
It'll take time, I know it but in a while
You're gonna be mine, I know it, we'll do it in style
'Cause I made my mind up you're going to be mine
Could've tripped out easy a-but I've a-changed my ways
It'll take time, I know it but in a while
You're gonna be mine, I know it, we'll do it in style
'Cause I made my mind up you're going to be mine
-Sunshine Superman, The Donovan
Let's swim to the moon
Let's climb through the tide
You reach your hand to hold me
But I can't be your guide
Easy, I love you
As I watch you glide
Falling through wet forests
On our moonlight drive, baby
Moonlight drive
Let's climb through the tide
You reach your hand to hold me
But I can't be your guide
Easy, I love you
As I watch you glide
Falling through wet forests
On our moonlight drive, baby
Moonlight drive
-Moonlight Drive, The Doors
For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow
And death's the final word
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow
-Always Look On The Bright Side of Life, Monty Phyton
The chef prepares a special menu for your delight, oh my
Tonight you fly so high up in the vanilla sky
Tonight you fly so high up in the vanilla sky
Your life is fine, sweet and sour
Unbearable or great
You gotta love every hour, you must appreciate
This is your time
This is your day
You've got it all
Unbearable or great
You gotta love every hour, you must appreciate
This is your time
This is your day
You've got it all
Don't blow it away
-Vanilla Sky, Paul McCartney
Playlist Biadab!
Pagi ini gue bangun, dan Puji Tuhan kepala gue rasanya udah enteeeeng banget! Yeay, berarti gue bisa mengerjakan presentasi MPK Agama gue dengan tenang... Hihi.
I promise to stop thinking of you constantly
And wishing I could wake up every morning next to you
Darling yes its true
But today can we pretend it’s not too late
I promise to stop dreaming bout you
Promise to stop waiting for your calls
Cause I don’t want to care at all
But maybe just tonight we should forget about what’s right one last time
Because I promise to stop loving you tomorrow
Today will be your last day in my arms again
I promise to stop thinking of you constantly
And wishing I could wake up every morning next to you
Darling yes it’s true
But today can we pretend it’s not too late
Today can we pretend"
Sayangnya, ada satu hal yang membuat gue tertohok. Playlist gue pagi ini!
Jadi ceritanya begini, pagi ini gue keinget satu nama: Audevian Monda. Wait. Bukan keinget apa-apa. Gue hanya inget, waktu gue di Bandung (gila... internet hotelnya nampol gitu cepet abis) dia ngirimin gue lagu-lagu banyaaak banget. Ternyata, lagu-lagu itu belum ada di Windows Media Player karena sempat gue hapus librarynya.
Di My Received File gue, ternyata nggak cuman lagu-lagu dari Monda. Dari Ikki sama Tian juga ada. Tapi, tetap saja: ternyata biadab semua isi lagunya haha...
Gue masukkan lah itu semua lagunya dan gue denger, bahkan sampai saat ini. Nih daftarnya.
L éclipse by Mathieu Chedid and Sean Lennon
Parachute by Sean Lennon
Friendly Fire by Sean Lennon
Tomorrow by Sean Lenon
O.. Teganya by Tangga
While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles
November by Azure Ray
Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles (anjir ini psychedelicnyaa...)
Being for The Benefit of Mr. Kite by The Beatles
Within You, Without You by The Beatles
A Day in The Life by The Beatles
Calling You by Blue October
Sunshine Superman by Donovan
Moonlight Drive by The Doors
Always Look on The Bright Side of Life by Monty Phyton
Vanilla Sky by Paul McCartney
Pertama gue denger playlist ini, komentar gue cuman dua. Yang pertama, "Wah, lagu pertama aja udah français, gue banget nih!" dan yang kedua, "Aaaa... Gue kangen Blitz sam rumah Monda, malam Natal 2008!" Haha...
Lalu dari kegembiraan ini, semua berubah ketika sampai di lagunya Sean Lennon, Tomorrow.
"I promise to stop loving you tomorrow
Today can be your last day in my arms againI promise to stop thinking of you constantly
And wishing I could wake up every morning next to you
Darling yes its true
But today can we pretend it’s not too late
I promise to stop dreaming bout you
Promise to stop waiting for your calls
Cause I don’t want to care at all
But maybe just tonight we should forget about what’s right one last time
Because I promise to stop loving you tomorrow
Today will be your last day in my arms again
I promise to stop thinking of you constantly
And wishing I could wake up every morning next to you
Darling yes it’s true
But today can we pretend it’s not too late
Today can we pretend"
Sumpah ya, ini full isi lagunya menohok! Full! Gue nggak ngambil sebagian. Gue ambil semuanya..
Lalu gue menarik nafas panjang, dan nggak ngerti harus ngomong apa lagi. Selain... Wait. Gue punya ide.
Biar semua orang bisa tau apa yang ada di dalam hati gue; setidaknya mengintip sedikit, gue akan mengepost potongan-potongan lagu-lagu biadab itu. Those are amazingly explained what's happening inside this cœur.
...à bientôt!
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Lately, ada banyak hal yang terjadi di hidup gue. Seneng, sedih, serem, bego, mengharukan, menggetarkan, dan juga menyebalkan. Riweh deh.

Let say I'm on my lowest boiling point. I can't perfectly see the horizon because of my temper. My logic is decreasing in sharpness. Damn. Though I'm this low, I got two not-so-little but adorable girlfriends:

Fina and Niken
And today is Fina's birthday! Hey dear I mucho macho wishing you the best! Hihihi... Kemaren seru banget. Short but sophisticated haha.
Oh iya, selaen kemaren gue ketemu dengan dua perempuan cantik ini, gue juga dapet kabar kalau STUDIO DG MASUK KORAN! Hahaha Media Indonesia, halaman 8, Minggu, 3 Mei 2009.
Waaaa I damn proud of you guys.
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Post-it Note
About a girl who dosn't exist, technically
A girl whose smile is brightening and life-saving
Yet she's dying inside
Anyone care to unplug her plug and let her die?
Or better make her dissapear completely and never be found?

Bend on my knees
Hold a phone on the line
Nibbling lips
Tearing tears
Sweetness that I can't bear
Voice that I long to hear
A person that got me to swear
I stayed all night in my chamber
Look ahead but I found a horizon
Hopes and dreams that seemed fair
But, Darl, I gotta make it stop
Wait; I will
But then again, it'll torn
Longing too long
Hoping too strong
Wait until she can bear the world
And say that three word,
"I love you"
Kalau misalnya...
If I fell in love with you
could you promise to be true
And help me understand
'Cause I've been in love before
And I've found that love is more
That just holding hands
If I gave my heart to you
I must be sure from the very start
that you would love me more than her
If I trust in you, oh please
don't run and hide,
if I love you too, oh please
don't hurt my pride like her
'Cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad
If our new love was in vain
So I hope you see that I
would love to love you
And that see will cry
when she learns we are two
'Cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad
If our new love was in vain
So I hope you see that I
would love to love you
And that see will cry
when she learns we are two
If I fell in love with you
could you promise to be true
And help me understand
'Cause I've been in love before
And I've found that love is more
That just holding hands
If I gave my heart to you
I must be sure from the very start
that you would love me more than her
If I trust in you, oh please
don't run and hide,
if I love you too, oh please
don't hurt my pride like her
'Cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad
If our new love was in vain
So I hope you see that I
would love to love you
And that see will cry
when she learns we are two
'Cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad
If our new love was in vain
So I hope you see that I
would love to love you
And that see will cry
when she learns we are two
If I fell in love with you
If I Fell, The Beatles
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